Connect Github with SageMaker custom project template


I am trying to implement but instead of the default codepipeline option, I want to use Github/Jenkins. I changed the create-multi-branch-mlops-product.yaml file to use Jenkins by default. I could create the template and it shows under organizational template in sagemaker studio. But when I create a Project using this template, it doesn't show any github repo connected to it and there is no option to add github repo. It says 'There are no repositories associated with this project'. How can I implement this template properly with Jenkins and Github instead of CodeCommit? I have followed the steps mentioned in the link and the only change I made was in the yaml file to use jenkins by default.

1 Answer


Greetings! Hope you are doing good!

I understand that you need to use Github/Jenkins instead of default codepipeline. Also, you have used create-multi-branch-mlops-product.yaml file in order to make jenkins by default. Going ahead, by creating the template you are able to view it under organizational template in sagemaker studio. However, when trying to create project using this template you are getting 'There are no repositories associated with this project'

I would like to inform you that in order to fetch more information regarding this issue we require access to your resources so I suggest you to please raise a case with the AWS premium support and provide the following information on the case:

  1. YAML file
  2. Studio domain name
answered 10 months ago

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