Can Textract APIs read and interpret identity fields from drivers license of all the different formats available in various states in the Unites states?


Hello Folks, I am researching on Textract APIs and found that there is an API named AnalyzeId() that returns you the identity fields from a jpeg image of driver's license. It is able to interpret Lastname,FirstName etc kind of identity fields for some driver's licenses. but fails to interpret in some other cases. For example, When I passes the driver's license belong to Texas, It just couldn't read /interpret some part of the name. Example it is giving null values for FirstName and MiddleName.! My question is is there any API's available in Textract that is smart enough to understand various states and their formats and process accordingly and return the interpreted data? If there is no such APIs available, whats the recomended approach here?

Thank you.

asked 2 years ago327 views
1 Answer

Hi, I would suggest you to evaluate a logic where you use a more custom approach for the Driver Licenses where it does not recognize all the fields using the new Textract Query feature, for example "What is FirstName" (you can try this directly from the AWS Console - Textract part)

Meanwhile, I advice you to contact your Account Team and the Solutions Architect in order to understand better your case and make a inquiry to the Textract Service Team (Product Development Team) in order to understand why the IDs from Texas are not recognized correctly.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago
  • Thank you AlexR for your reply on this issue. Let me see if I can contact AWS support team and further discuss on this.

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