Query Timeout after Athena version 3 change


Hello, We have been testing the existing queries that run successfully on Athena version 2, on Athena version 3. The existing query timeouts in version 3. Can you please help resolving this issue. Athena Query Timeout image

Please let me know if there are any questions/comments. Thanks and regards, Ani.

asked 2 years ago934 views
2 Answers

I have the same effect. The query returns the output after less than 3 minutes in version 2 but in version 3 I get the output not even after 45 minutes. I can reproduce this behavior by using 2 different work groups (V2 and V3). I'll appriciate if you share your finding with me.

answered a year ago

Hello Ani,

I understand that you are trying to run a query in Amazon Athena version 3, however your query times out. You also mentioned that this SQL query runs successfully in Athena version 2. Thank you for sharing the query ID for Athena Engine Version 3 with us.

In order for me to troubleshoot further, by taking a look at the logs in the backend, please feel free to open a support case with AWS using the following link with the below mentioned details and we would be happy to help.

  1. Sample data (excluding any sensitive information) and table DDL.
  2. Query ID run on Athena Engine Version 2 for comparison.
answered 2 years ago
  • Hi Anushka, Thanks for your reply. I have opened a ticket as well for this issue. The AWS Support ticket number is: CASE 12187032741 "Athena version 3 query timeout". Thanks!

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