Read consistency after overwrite of S3 and ElastiCache


I have a few questions regarding s3:

  1. After we overwrite an object in S3 is there any issues like for a brief amount of time the read request will show older version of the object and if this is true what will be the time all the servers will be updated to the new version?
  2. Is S3 suitable for real time applications that require immediate access to the latest data after an overwrite?
  3. Is because of these reasons we should go with elasticache?
  4. How ElastiCache ensure this read after overwrite consitency?
asked 9 months ago367 views
1 Answer


  1. S3 supports strong read-after-write consistency:
  2. based on 1., yes
  3. No. Elasticache is to be used more when very low-latency is expected: elasticache reads from RAM while S3 from disk
  4. No. Elasticache does not provide read after write consistency "out of the box": see question "How does ElastiCache keep my read replica up-to-date with its primary node ?" of Best,


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answered 9 months ago
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reviewed 9 months ago
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reviewed 9 months ago
    1. So in elastiCache we will the face the issue as discussed above of getting the older version. Is there any solution for that in cache? Is reading from primary only will help ?

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