Commvault - S3 Write Speeds


Good afternoon folks, We have an AWS EC2 instance configured as a Commvault VSA proxy which needs to read and write from multiple S3 buckets. A S3 gateway endpoint has been configured as per best practice so all communications between the EC2 instance and S3. We have noticed (and confirmed by Commvault) that the EC2 write speeds to S3 appears to be limited to approx. 30MB compared to the read speeds which fluctuate between 300MB to 800MB.

Commvault have checked over our setup and have confirmed our performance issue is NOT a Commvault issue - it appears to be a S3 bottleneck

Are there any S3 restrictions in terms of write performance?

asked 2 years ago693 views
1 Answer


There are few things to check such as the CPU, EBS and network metrics on your instance. Are they within range? is the EBS read iops/throughput within the volume specs? is there any intensive workload happening during a backup? is there any network latency? what is the typical data size/amount that you backup?

I would recommend to try a sync without Commvault to really troubleshoot any slowness and start the investigation using this article:

You can also have a look at this article:

Hope it helps,


profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

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