How long should I wait for my access back.


Amazon "great" AI decided that my account was hacked and blocked the access. Then they confirmed that it was a mistake and claimed they have removed the restriction, but they did not.
Looks like they know how to impose restrictions but have no process how to lift them. Imposing restriction prevents me doing the things I pay for.

  1. What is the escalation path for such cases?
  2. Is it normal to wait for 4 days not being able to run the docker containers just because ASW decided that some accounts have been hacked?
  3. Can I claim the compensation for the breach of services from AWS side?

If there is someone from AWS the Case ID 13981736541

asked 8 months ago124 views
1 Answer

Hi Slava,

Sorry to hear about the interruption you faced. It seems that you may have faced a temporary suspension. If that is the case then section 4 of the AWS Customer Agreement outlined below should address your concerns. -

  1. Temporary Suspension.

4.1 Generally. We may suspend your or any End User’s right to access or use any portion or all of the Services immediately upon notice to you if we reasonably determine:

(a) your or an End User’s use of the Services (i) poses a security risk to the Services or any third party, (ii) could adversely impact our systems, the Services or the systems or Content of any other AWS customer, (iii) could subject us, our affiliates, or any third party to liability, or (iv) could be fraudulent;

(b) you are, or any End User is, in material breach of this Agreement;

(c) you are in breach of your payment obligations under Section 3; or

(d) you have ceased to operate in the ordinary course, made an assignment for the benefit of creditors or similar disposition of your assets, or become the subject of any bankruptcy, reorganization, liquidation, dissolution or similar proceeding.

4.2 Effect of Suspension. If we suspend your right to access or use any portion or all of the Services:

(a) you will be responsible for all fees and charges you incur during the period of suspension that we bill to you; and

(b) you will not be entitled to any service credits under the Service Level Agreements for any period of suspension.

I would also review the 'Included Container Services SLA Exclusions' here

Hope this helps.

answered 5 months ago

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