lightsail reboot forever


hi, i try to restart lightsail database instance, however its about 30 minutes. the service still not successfully restart. how to solve this issues?

asked a year ago285 views
2 Answers

This link will walk you through accessing the terminal console of your instance. This should help you find the current status of your instance and if it is having trouble booting.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

thank you for your reply. i followed the link shared. Unfortunately i cannot proceed with the step given, even step 1 because the instance is in a greyed mode (disabled) the action that can be done only manage and delete. ping or ssh also declined. when i click manage the page will showing rebooting status process. As checked for today. the instance is now running. but i takes about 3 hours to boot up. i dont know how it happen but its better to take a snapshot before rebooting the instance after this

answered a year ago

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