Plans for more allowing more than 2 other regions for secondary clusters in Elasticache for Redis Global Datastore?


We would like to have more than 2 regions for additional secondary redis clusters for closer geolocated reads in our application. Are there plans to increase this limitation?

asked 3 years ago620 views
1 Answer


Thank you for using Elasticache.

As you mentioned, Global Datastore in Amazon ElastiCache for Redis is currently limited to two cross-region replica clusters. We do not comment on launch plans or incoming features. I have submitted your feature request to the Elasticache team, so they can prioritize their work according to customers necessities.

I suggest regularly checking (or subscribe to the RSS feed on the same page) for services and features announcements.

I am sorry for not being able to provide a more detailed answer at this moment.

answered 3 years ago

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