Is there any way to get user current location using amplify geo without accessing GPS of device?


I don't want to implement map to my app, I just want to track user location without gps access. I'm developing app in android platform there are many libraries to acess location but adding libraries for different api level(android version) with if else statements is a big headache for me. So I just want to access location without all headaches so i want to access current location using amplify geo with GPS

1 Answer
Accepted Answer

One method of geo-location is to use the IP address of the client - but that isn't always accurate and is (at best) accurate to a city.

You haven't mentioned what level of accuracy you need - if it needs to be better than that then GPS is the way to go.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago
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reviewed a year ago
  • I just want to know the country name?

  • My answer stands: IP address might be able to give you the country name (there are many IP-to-geo databases available) but it's not 100% accurate.

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