Using cloudformation for setting upp global database and second cluster from existing cluster


Hi, I have the following scenario: I have an existing aurora-postgres db cluster running in eu-north-1 (Stockholm) region. My usecase is now that I need a second replica cluster in another region (eu-central-1) to be able to use services that are not available in eu-north-1. Setting up a global database is possible in the console, however I want to automate, currently using cloudformation. But when I try to add the resource type AWS::RDS::GlobalCluster to the existing cfn deployed in eu-north-1 it gives me error: "Resource type not found".

I have also tried moving out the globalcluster resource to its own cloudformation template, deploying it in eu-central-1 where the resource type seems to exist (no error here). However, when I specify the primary cluster arn it gives me an error "value for engineName should be specified". I've tried to change the primary cluster ARN to the primary cluster identifier instead, but then get "DBCluster xxyyzz not found" - I can imagine this is due to the fact that I deploy in another region than the primary cluster itself.

Is it possible to accomplish what I want with cloudformation, or am I forced to do it manually?

Thank you

1 Answer

I have deployed global cluster with cfn successfully, I had one stack with the global cluster, primary cluster and my pipeline stored the output for the logical id of the global cluster. Then had a second stack with the secondary cluster which used an input of the id from the first stack. I think the second error you are getting is the region you run cfn from to create your global cluster must also contain the primary cluster, it would have no means to look cross region. The Resource type not found suggests it isn't supported in the region yet via cfn I suggest opening a support case to enquire about that.

answered 3 years ago

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