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Cant reach Redshift cluster from outside, or kinesis


(technically I really want to make kinesis talk to redshift, but I'm debugging redshift permissions via my outside IP address)

I have enabled external access in the redshift configs. I'm using the redshift endpoint url, which resolves to a public IP I have added a inbound rule to the security group specified in the "Network and security settings" to allow ping. Also for port 5439

But I still cant ping or connect to the JDBC port. What am I missing??

asked 2 years ago519 views
2 Answers


Please follow the below document link for further troubleshooting and let me know if the steps helped you.


profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago
  • that page seems very out of date. For the second section on private subnet, it mentions things that arent in the UI. There is no "Configuration tab". So similarly, there is no "View VPCs" to click on. Nor do I see info to tell me which is the "subnet where your cluster resides"



Try the following things:

  1. select your Redshift cluster and go to Actions -> Modify publicly accessible setting and select Turn on Publicly accessible
  2. go to Properties tab 2.1 in Network and security settings section you should have Publicly accessible: Enabled 2.2 find VPC security group sections and click the security group link and check the Inbound rules. You should allow all traffic to port 5439 2.3 if you want allow access only from your IP address, in Edit inbound rules Info select My IP in Source section

Security groups Inbound rules Enter image description here

In general, it should not be a problem: make sure you have a cluster publicly accessible and in security groups you allow traffic to the Redshift port.

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answered 2 years ago

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