Publish my applications in AWS Marketplace


I have cloudformation templates written for my app - UI is a a docker image in ECR which is hosted using ECS Fargate Service and a load balancer is attached to it. , the backend(server) is a docker image in ECR which is hosted on lambda functions and i am connecting both of them using AWS SDK's. Now that I have clearly explained on what aws services i am using for my app I want want to understand two things :

  1. Which offer is the most suitable for publishing my above app to aws marketplace, please give clear steps.
  2. How will the user be able to pull ECR images in my instance ,if he decides to purchase my app from aws marketplace ?
  3. Does the marketplace provide any url for accessing the final app (which is available on application load balancer) ?Because currently my app is routed over http ,so in case of marketplace publishing how does this work ? Please give detailed steps for this.
1 Answer

The first question you need to answer is are you wanting to host all the resources in your account or the buyer's account? If you are hosting the resources, you want to create a SaaS product. If the resources are hosted in the buyer's account, you probably want to make a container product. Please review the seller's guide for detailed instructions about how to create a MP product listing.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
  • I don't want to create a SaaS product,basically i don't want to manage the app services in my account.So in that case should i go ahead with the Container product offer ? I have seen that Azure offers a managed app publishing, where the seller doesn't have to manage any underlying infrastructure and the application would be directly deployed in the customer's (buyer's) instance,so was wondering if we had something like that in aws,if yes please guide me accordingly

  • Also,can you please provide answers to the 2nd and 3rd questions

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