Cannot restore RDS snapshot


I am unable to restore a snapshot as of 4pm central today. I restore 2 snapshots throughout the day, and when I tried to start a restore this afternoon, I am unable to select the same options as before. I do not have the option to select provisioned or available versions anymore. Has anyone seen this happen before? How can I fix this?

asked 2 years ago922 views
1 Answer

Hi AWS-Phil-PB, From the notes, I understand that you are unable to restore your RDS snapshot as you are unable to select some options. Please correct me if my understanding is wrong. As a workaround to your issue, I recommend to try using other tools like RDS API or AWS CLI to perform the restore. Below is an example of AWS CLI command to restore from the snapshot aws rds restore-db-instance-from-db-snapshot
--db-instance-identifier db7-new-instance
--db-snapshot-identifier db7-test-snapshot
--db-instance-class db.t3.small Please see the documents in links [1], [2] for steps and how to use AWS CLI as well as RDS API for restoring from a snapshot. I hope the above information is helpful.




answered 2 years ago

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