Maximum Migration BW


Hello, I’m trying to migrate 100 TB of data from AWS S3 in the US to Saudi Arabia on premise DC using AWS CLI.

What’s the best method/tool to do that? what’s the maximum Internet BW for data transfer as I’m getting 1 Gbps while my DC BW is 2 Gbps?

asked a year ago322 views
1 Answer

Hi, I would try to reduce the number of hops for the last section of your transfer: between AWS cloud and your premises. So, I'd first copy from AWS US region to Middle East region ( and then copy from this region to your premise.

This way, the first copy will happen on AWS internal network at high speed. So, when data is close to your premises, you will probably get most of your existing bandwidth.

Note: this additional copy will cost you an additional 2 cts per GB (see on top of the transfer of data from AWS network to Internet. So, up to you to decide if worth it or not depending on your cost constraint / budget.

The final copy to your premise can happen with AWS CLI: sync is what you probably want to use. See

It has a few parameters that you can use to optimize performances: max_concurrent_requests, max_bandwidth, etc. See

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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