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Aws Connect Porting a primary number


I run a company. I have a unique phone number for my company, and I want it to call a lambda function and ring back when I call it. Can the above be solved with aws Connect? I don't want a contact center. I simply want to receive a webhook to my server, passing the contact number through a lambda function when contacted.

ex) 0123456 -> lambda fn -> 0123456

asked 8 days ago26 views
1 Answer

Can you Connect do this, yes. Will it be easier with Connect, yes. Is Connect the only option, no. You can do something similar with Chime.


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answered 8 days ago
  • Agreed. Connect will be easier to set up. If you have high call volume, Chime SIP Media Application can be significantly cheaper. Chime supports PSTN or SIP. Connect only supports PSTN.

  • Which is better for you, Connect or Chime?

  • Connect is better for your use case. It's much easier to get started.

    I recommend Chime for customers who want a hybrid call center where a call comes into AWS for the IVR, then gets transferred on-premise.

    Connect app costs are ~$0.01, and Chime app costs are ~$0.002. (Excluding telephony and addons) Connect: 8 hr * 60 min * $0.01 = $4.80 Chime: $4.80 / 5 = $0.96 Multiply that by agents, then multiply that by year - you get the picture.

  • Honestly, your use case is simple enough that I would do it all in Chime, however if you need to expand or do more advanced handling of the call you’re better off going with Connect.

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