Client VPN on Ubuntu 24.04


Does anyone know if AWS plan to do anything to make the Client VPN for Linux usable? The version of the client app downloadable from the AWS website only runs on ancient versions of Ubuntu (18.04 and 20.04) without a bunch of mangling. Moreover, even if you mangle it to make it work (which creates a really ugly UX), it requires you to use an ancient version of libssl that has the following vulnerabilities published. I cannot run this app on my corporate network as, if I do, my company will lose its Cyber Essentials Plus certification, which is a non-starter for us retaining that certification is something that we are required to do for contractual reasons.

CVE-2020-1971 libssl1.1

CVE-2021-23840 libssl1.1

CVE-2021-23841 libssl1.1

CVE-2021-3712 libssl1.1

CVE-2021-4160 libssl1.1

CVE-2022-0778 libssl1.1

CVE-2022-1292 libssl1.1

CVE-2022-2068 libssl1.1

CVE-2022-2097 libssl1.1

CVE-2022-4304 libssl1.1

CVE-2022-4450 libssl1.1

CVE-2023-0215 libssl1.1

CVE-2023-0286 libssl1.1

CVE-2023-0464 libssl1.1

CVE-2023-0465 libssl1.1

CVE-2023-0466 libssl1.1

CVE-2023-2650 libssl1.1

CVE-2023-3446 libssl1.1

CVE-2023-3817 libssl1.1

CVE-2023-5678 libssl1.1

CVE-2024-0727 libssl1.1

CVE-2024-2511 libssl1.1

CVE-2024-4741 libssl1.1

CVE-2024-5535 libssl1.1

I am starting to look at alternatives instead. I need something that:

Is SaaS (I do not want to feed and water infrastructure) Supports SAML (I do not want to maintain a CA and have the burden of distributing certs) Allows me to enforce data residency to keep data in the UK Works on Windows 11, macOS and Ubuntu 24.04 Connects to my Transit Gateway using IPSec

At the moment, Perimeter 81 looks like it might fit the bill but this would all be so much easier if AWS would simply maintain the Linux Client VPN app rather than just letting it rot while pretending to still "support" Linux.

asked a month ago259 views
1 Answer

We've now ditched AWS Client VPN in favour of OpenVPN CloudConnexa - a superior product that still works with SAML, is entirely SaaS, that works on Windows, Mac, Linux, Android and iOS, and that chops our monthly endpoint VPN bill in half. Disappointing to have to use an external service rather than keep things simple from a billing perspective but it's worked out well in the end and served to remind me that it's sometimes important to look beyond AWS.

answered a month ago

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