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Greengrass v2 add component


I need to create a new greengrass v2 component and remove old ones. Is it better to update the current greengrass core device with the new component or need to cleanup and create a new core device with the new component?

asked 3 years ago454 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

There should be no need to create a new core device. You can add the new component to your deployment and remove any that are no longer needed and the deployment will take care of getting the existing core device(s) that are associated with that deployment synced up with your changes. I actually used this very method while creating and updating a demo I was working on recently. Keep in mind that this action may interrupt processes running on your existing device, so if it's production critical plan around this.

answered 3 years ago
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reviewed 6 months ago
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reviewed 8 months ago

If you want to get started using Greengrass v2, be sure to check out where we take you through on setting up component and deploying it.

answered 3 years ago

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