Azure Firewall - whitelist AmazonSES IPs



I am in the process of setting up Azure Firewall for a web app. Whitelisting the FQDNs of the SMTP servers we communicate with doesn't seem to be possible (at least not at the basic tier firewall that I am using), so I wanted to whitelist the IPs instead. From testing - it does seem to work fine, until the IPs change.

Now, I wanna do it by whitelisting the IPs as soon as they update. I don't want to have my script running 24/7, but rather linked to a schedule.

So, basically, my question is - is there a specific time at which these IPs get updated? How frequently does this happen?


asked 9 months ago342 views
1 Answer

Sounds like you should sign up to the SES Dedicated IPs (Standard) and whitelist the ones assigned to your SES configuration.

Other option would be set up your own SMTP Gateway and connect it to Azure either over the internet (Using Non Standard Port) or via Site to Site VPN

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answered 9 months ago
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reviewed 9 months ago

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