Are there any specific AWS APIs or SDKs available for developers to interact with text messaging functionalities?


What are the specific AWS APIs or SDKs that developers can utilize to effectively interact with text messaging functionalities and integrate them into their applications?

3 Answers

Yes, AWS provides APIs and SDKs for developers to interact with text messaging functionalities. The AWS SDKs for various programming languages, such as Java, Python, and .NET, provide APIs for sending SMS messages using Amazon SNS. Additionally, Amazon SNS provides a REST API that developers can use to send SMS messages programmatically. You can find more information about the AWS SDKs and APIs for text messaging on the Amazon SNS Developer Guide:



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answered a year ago

Yes, you can use SNS to send Text messages to your users and to interact with it you can use the AWS SDK for your preferred language. Here some examples from the Javascript SDK:

And here you find the API reference

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answered a year ago

Hello Vikash Y/Sauerkaraut,

Thank you for the answers I really appreciate that.

I looked at the documentation that you provide.

But are there any limitations or restrictions on the number of text messages that can be sent using AWS APIs and SDKs?

answered a year ago

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