Where can I find the test set results e.g.,. FP, TP for each detected object for the custom label model for Rekognition?


Where can I find the test set results e.g.,. FP, TP for each detected object and the associated threshold for the custom label model for Rekognition?

asked 9 months ago206 views
1 Answer


Please see our documentation on evaluation model performance for more information on performance metrics: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/rekognition/latest/customlabels-dg/im-metrics-use.html

Specifically, you can refer to the following documentation for confusion matrix (FP, TP, etc.) data:

  1. Via console: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/rekognition/latest/customlabels-dg/im-access-training-results.html
  2. Via SDK: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/rekognition/latest/customlabels-dg/im-metrics-api.html
answered 9 months ago

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