Cant register lightsail instance as hybrid in Systems Manager


After updating Ubuntu in my lightsail instance, I'm now locked out via both the console and ssh. After some searching, it looks like a way to recover might be to create a new copy of my instance connected, as hybrid, to the AWS Systems Manager. However, I'm not able to do that. I'm following the instructions found here:

I've created a new Hybrid Activation. Made a copy of both the Code and ID. Taken a snapshot of the instance. Created a new instance from that snapshot, adding the code snippet (correctly updated with code, ID, and region) as the launch script.

But following this, launching the Fleet Manager never shows any instances. Any ideas what I can try to see why this isn't showing up.

asked 2 years ago413 views
2 Answers

I finally got this to work by changing the added startup code from the bash example to the snap version.

answered 2 years ago
  • Could you explain this in more detail please? Having this issues as well.


Please cut us a ticket and we'll route it to the appropriate team to follow up on the issue.

answered 2 years ago

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