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how to reach a us-east instance from Italy?


I started a g4 instance in Virginia. I created a network interface and an elastic IP. My problem is that I can't ping the elastic IP from Italy. I have to ftp and connect to SSH. but it says: network interface: availability zone us-east-1c network group that I can select: us-east-1a, -1b, -1c, but only in the us-east area. How can I do to resolve it?

1 Answer
Accepted Answer


Do you allow the required protocols in your security group's inbound rules?
For example, if you want to ping, you will need ICMP protocol.

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answered 7 months ago
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reviewed 7 months ago
  • I accepted the answer because I didn't remember what rules I had set. I had already enabled all protocols (inbound). Now, I tried adding explicitly the ICMP inbound rule, but I don't ping. I have bound the elastic IP to the network interface. All ports enabled.

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