Enterprise VPN Client needed to connect to AWS Client VPN Endpoint


We are currently using the OpenVPN Connect client to connect to our AWS Client VPN Endpoints but we have now been advised by a client that their security team no longer allows this to be used. Instead we are told that an Enterprise VPN client must now be installed.

Could anyone advise of an Enterprise VPN Client for Windows that can be used to connect directly to the AWS Client VPN Endpoint ?


1 Answer

Hi Rob,

Currently AWS provided client and OpenVPN client are the only 2 options as mentioned in the documentation

Also see below points from the FAQ section pertaining to this topic:

Q: Can I use a 3rd party OpenVPN client to connect to a Client VPN Endpoint configured with federated authentication?

A: No, you must use the AWS Client VPN software client to connect to the endpoint.

Q: Can I mix the software client of AWS Client VPN and standards based OpenVPN clients connecting to AWS Client VPN endpoint?

A: Yes, assuming that the authentication type defined on the AWS Client VPN endpoint is supported by the standards-based OpenVPN client.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 2 years ago
  • I would only add here that "Enterprise" is a vague term. I would ask what the customer means by that.

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