RDS Reserved Instances - Change of Engine



I was wondering if anyone had any experience in trying to change a reserved instance from MySQL to Aurora? We are on MySQL now but want to trial Aurora shortly. I also want to get RIs going now to start saving costs!

Does anyone know if AWS support are happy to swap RIs over to another engine if the value in equivalent or higher?

I know the documentation says no, but i was wondering if support are more accommodating when contacted directly. I've previously done something similar in GCP without too many problems.


asked a year ago513 views
1 Answer

Your understanding is right, DB engine can't be changed later once RIs are purchased. reference document is here.

Enter image description here

But, I'd suggest you to please log a support case to AWS under Account and billing category. Additionally, if you have Enterprise Support plan, you can talk to your account manager and technical manager and provide them the additional context.

They may check with Billing and Concierge team, if this request can be accommodated or not.

Hope this explanation helps.

Comment here if you have additional questions, happy to help.


profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
  • Do you have any additional questions, happy to be of help.

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