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Using AWS Codebuild as Github Actions Runner(Github Enterprise) returns an error


The issue happens on the DOWNLOAD_SOURCE phase with an error

CLIENT_ERROR Retrieving Secrets Manager Token Failed with Error: Given secrets arn:aws:secrets:manager*** failed validation with error: ServerType is required

Currently i am using GHE and the IAM Role attached to the Codebuild Project has permissions to read the secrets that is used within the connection to use the token.

Is only Github supported at the moment? and not GHE?

1 Answer

Ensure ServerType is set to GITHUB_ENTERPRISE in Secrets Manager for GHE. Confirm CodeBuild’s IAM role has GetSecretValue permissions.

If issues persist, manually manage the GHE token as an environment variable and handle source downloads with custom Git commands.

This approach should address the error and allow CodeBuild to work with GitHub Enterprise effectively.

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answered a month ago

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