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Sign in issue: It's not you, it's us


Our user can't get into AWS IAM and gets the error message: It's not you, it's us. He is able to login on another device but need all the files on his primary device. How can this issue be solved?

  • The user is able to sign-in using another device. However he needs to be able to get back in on his own device.

asked 10 months ago940 views
2 Answers

Thank you! Yes, he tried different browsers and incognito. On the root access, I also tried another email address without success unfortunately…

answered 10 months ago
  • What about the system clock on his device that is not working? If the time clock is off, authentication issue could occur.


If the user is able to sign-in from another device, this sounds like a local issue on his own device (even the error reads "It's not you. It's us"). Can the user try a different browser from the same device? Has the user tried to clear browser cache or "Incognito" mode?

profile pictureAWS
answered 10 months ago
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reviewed 8 months ago

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