Transit Gateway Availability



A customer recently asked me how highly available is Transit GW. It becomes a crucial element in an infrastructure, connecting multiple VPCs/VPNs together.

I didn't find public documentation or FAQ entry on Transit GW being highly available or having a reliability engineering goal.

I understand Transit GW leverages HyperPlane, perhaps I need to dig deeper here.

asked 6 years ago408 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

The customer should leverage a subnet in each AZ for the TGW attachment for HA. When you compare TGW to keeping a traditional transit VPN up and running (and patched with vendor software) I'm sure customers will see much higher uptime. We remove the large single points of failure of EC2 instances doing routing.

It is based on Hyperplane so you can point customers to the reinvent talk from last year. Also the sessions from reinvent:

profile pictureAWS
answered 6 years ago

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