How to use reserved instances for the elasticbenastalk


we have already many application deployed on aws beanstalk in different aws accounts , thise instance use on demand type , type load balancer with auto scaling min 2 max 20

so we decide to change to a reserved instance , what is the procedure to apply that

do we need just to pushase for reserved instances = number of instances we need for all elasticbenastalk instances ?

and how to modify the elastic benastalk configue to start using reserved instaces instead of the on demand ?

3 Answers
Accepted Answer


  • purchase Reserved Instances RI that match the instance type and region your environment uses.
  • Elastic Beanstalk will automatically use the RIs if they match your instances.
  • You don't need to change much in your configuration just ensure that the instance type and Availability Zone in your Elastic Beanstalk settings match the RIs you've bought.
  • This your environment will switch from on-demand to reserved pricing automatically.
  • For you can consider also Compute saving plans it will more discounts please look at AWS Document it will be helpful for you.

answered 12 days ago
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reviewed 12 days ago
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reviewed 12 days ago
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reviewed 12 days ago

Just reserve the instances as usual, like any other EC2 instance. If the EC2 instances launched by Elastic Beanstalk match with the reserved instances criteria (instance family and region), the cost will be discounted from the AWS bill. Consider also use Compute Saving Plans, that are more flexible than reserved instances.

answered 12 days ago

Thanks for your answers , but the number of RI is fixed i mean when you purshase for RI you must specify how many instances you want not like on demand using auto scaling and it will create more instances depend on the workload ?

answered 12 days ago
  • yes, Your correct. thank you for accepting

  • It's the challenge of purchasing reserved instances; if you want the cheaper cost you have to commit to a certain number for a given period of time. If it was me, I would probably look at my usage and see how many instances are being used 90% of the time ( or something like that ), and the reserve that many. You won't be able to use reserve instances for all of the beanstalk instances ( at least not cost effectively ) just for ones that you are always using. At least as I understand it.

    If your workload can handle interruptions using spot instances in beanstalks works well as well.

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