How to activate AWS Code Whisperer Professional?


It is showing, "You do not have sufficient permission on your user to administer CodeWhisperer. Ask your account administrator to provide you with the required codewhisperer:ListProfiles permission to proceed."

2 Answers
Accepted Answer

This video walks through the process.

CodeWhisperer Professional requires the use of IAM Identity Center to track user level licensing.

Hope this helps!

profile pictureAWS
answered 5 months ago
profile picture
reviewed 4 months ago
profile picture
reviewed 5 months ago

Still I am facing the same issue. Error message screenshots attached.

Permission Error Request Problem

answered 5 months ago
  • This page goes over lots of information regarding IAM and CodeWhisperer. You are going to need pretty advanced IAM permissions to setup IAM Identity Center and probably codewhisperer:* if you are going to manage CodeWhisperer for your Organization. If you are doing this in a personal account you can use the AWS Managed policy AdministratorAccess but it you are in a corporate environment you are going to need to work with the person/team who manages IAM permissions for the Org.

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