API Gateway returns 503 after one second - no Lambda request id


During high load I get the following trace roughly one second after the authorizer of my API Gateway was successfully called:

"(a03fe070-b6d0-4e4c-bea1-9cc77f3f0abc) Lambda invocation failed with status: 503. Lambda request id: N/A"

Any hints what might have failed? I don't see any other traces (in called/not-called Lambda), throttling events or anything like this. Number of calls, though rather high, seems to be within the quotas.

Note that 99.9% of all calls succeed.

1 Answer

A 503 error code indicates a problem with the backend integration, where the API Gateway API cannot receive a response from the backend server. This error may occur in situation when the backend server is overwhelmed by excessive traffic and cannot handle new client requests.

answered 10 months ago
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reviewed 10 months ago
  • This I understand but I would like to figure out what exactly was overwhelmed... I don't see any traces or metrics which would point me to any resource.

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