Karpenter issues wrt eviction, error, terminating as part of consolidation


Environment: EKS 1.25 & karpenter v0.28

With karpenter v0.28 , provisoiner having consolidation: enabled: true

Facing lot of issues wrt pods having status Error/Terminating/Complete .

Though the desired number of replicas maintained as per the application deployments, always an extra pod spins up having status "Error/Terminating/Complete"

at EOD could see lots of pods stuck in the status("Error/Terminating/Complete")

Is there anyway the karpenter can delete these unwanted pods even after maintaining desired replicas of deployment

asked 8 months ago263 views
2 Answers


I understand that you are facing issues where your pods stuck in the status("Error/Terminating/Complete") even when desired number of replicas maintained, I would like to inform you that to investigate on this issue we require we require details that are non-public information. So you may please feel free to create a case with us for further assistance.

answered 8 months ago

infact reached out to aws support prior raising issue, but no luck.

Everyone had their own version, nothing worked out

No concrete answer for this issue

Still we are facing evicted, terminated, complete, Error issues with pods

**Earlier dint see any issues with cluster autoscaler which shows karpenter behavior is different exclusively with "consolidation = true"

answered 8 months ago

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