Issues with TLS Initialization and PKCS #11 in AWS FreeRTOS Example



I am currently running an AWS FreeRTOS example on my device, and I am encountering issues with establishing a TLS session and initializing PKCS #11. Below is the log output from my device:

Enter image description here

Despite successfully connecting to the WiFi and initializing the demo, the device fails to establish a TLS session with the AWS IoT server. The failure to generate a random number and initialize the PKCS #11 session seems to be a critical issue.

Here are the steps I’ve already taken to troubleshoot:

Verified that all certificates and keys are correctly provisioned on the device. Confirmed that the device’s time is correctly synchronized. Ensured that the WiFi connection is stable and has internet access. My questions are:

What could be causing the TLS initialization failure, and how can I resolve it? Why might the PKCS #11 random number generation be failing, and what steps can I take to fix this issue? Are there any additional debugging steps or configurations I should check to diagnose and resolve these issues? Any assistance or guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

asked 24 days ago112 views
2 Answers

Hey there,

Can you check if you have run out of space in the system heap?

Thanks much, Paul

answered 24 days ago
  • Hi Paul,

    Here is the system heap status

    Current Free Heap Size: 142932 bytes Minimum Ever Free Heap Size: 138764 bytes

    Thank you for the help!


Hey there,

The amazon-freertos repository has been deprecated and is no longer supported. I suggest that you use the iot-reference-esp32c3 repository as the basis for your application instead of amazon-freertos.

It's hard to say exactly what is causing the failure to initialize a PKCS#11 session. Usually this is due to a lack of heap memory but it appears that is not the case based on your response. Stepping through the function calls with a debugger would be a great next step to figure out where exactly the application fails.

Thanks much, Paul

answered 16 days ago

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