Cost optimisation Hub


I have 3 accounts under an organisation. I have enabled AWS Cost Optimisation hub at the Org level and can can now see recommendations for Savings Plans and Reserved Instances which is good. However, from the demo I have seen I thinbk I should also be able to also see other options e.g move to graviton, stop workload, move to GP3 volumes etc but none of this information is filtering through. (ps I have enabled EC2 rightsizing and AWS Compute Optimiser). Do you know what I may have missed?

Many thanks.

2 Answers

You may need to enable compute optimizer since cost optimization hub aggregate information from it

Q: Is Cost Optimization Hub integrated with AWS Compute Optimizer? Yes, Cost Optimization Hub is integrated with AWS Compute Optimizer. Once you enable Cost Optimization Hub, it automatically imports recommendations from AWS Compute Optimizer.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
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reviewed a year ago
  • Apologies, I should have said AWS Compute Optimiser is enabled and I can see the relevant suggestions in there but they should filter into the Cost Optimisation Hub from what I can see in the documentation. However from the management account when I go into AWS Compute Optimiser I see this message: Cannot retrieve data from AWS Cost Explorer Savings opportunity data requires Cost Explorer opt-in, as well as enablement of the “Receive Amazon EC2 resource recommendations” preference in the Cost Explorer preferences page. Enabling both creates a connection between Cost Explorer and Compute Optimizer.

    However, I have opted in to Cost Explorer and enabled Receive Amazon EC2 resource recommendations.


It looks like I was just impatient. All the recommendations are now showing in AWS Cost Optimisation Hub.

answered a year ago

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