AWS Identity Center with Cognito User Pool as custom SAML application for SSO


We have configured Azure AD as external identity provider for AWS Identity Center to provide access to our AWS Accounts in our Organization. Now we would like to use the same for some Applications which already use Cognito User Pools for user identity and access management. But want to avoid setting up the Azure AD connection individually for each user pool. Thus we thought we could register the user pools as custom SAML 2.0 applications in Identity Center and re-use the existing connection. Does anyone know if this possible?

1 Answer

Yes this is possible. I've done this in the past to federate a Cognito User Pool to AWS Identity Center (AWS SSO at the time). I wanted that my application, which required valid JWTs from that user pool, to be usable by users who signed into AWS Identity Center.

Thus for your question: I don't think it makes sense for you as you'd have to federate your user pools to AWS Identity Center then, instead of to Azure AD directly. This will not save you work in that sense.

answered 2 years ago

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