How to do VSCode remote connection to EC2 via EC2 Instance Connect (EIC)?


Hey, EIC looks like a pretty nice feature to SSH in private net EC2s

So that triggers the question: how to use EIC via the VSCode Remote Development extension to connect to an EC2?

asked 9 months ago534 views
1 Answer


If you use VSCode's RemoteSSH extension, try setting ssh_config as follows.
"ssh.pem" is the SSH key set to ec2-user.
With this setting, you will be able to connect to EC2 configured with ProxyCommand and manipulate files.

Host instance1
    HostName i-0eyyyyyyyyyyy
    User ec2-user
    IdentityFile .\Desktop\tmp\ssh.pem
    ProxyCommand aws ec2-instance-connect open-tunnel --instance-id i-0eyyyyyyyyyyy
profile picture
answered 9 months ago

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