I need help with Textract's Detecting Text.


I need help with Textract's Detecting Text. I'm trying to set up the API the same way as the Demo. I want to achieve the same results as the Demo's Forms. I have attached a photo for reference.DemoForm

**Currently, I am using the following code. ** import boto3 import json

class TextractWrapper: def init(self): self.textract_client = boto3.client( 'textract', aws_access_key_id='###############', aws_secret_access_key='##################', )

def analyze_document(self, feature_types, document_bytes):
        response = self.textract_client.analyze_document(
            Document={'Bytes': document_bytes}, FeatureTypes=feature_types)
        print("Se detectaron {} bloques.".format(len(response['Blocks'])))
    except self.textract_client.exceptions.ServiceException as e:
        print("Error al analizar el documento: {}".format(e))

    return response

textract = TextractWrapper()

document_file_name = r"C:\Users\cvict\Desktop\FinGlobal\DOC.jpg" with open(document_file_name, 'rb') as document_file: document_bytes = document_file.read()

feature_types = ['FORMS']

response = textract.analyze_document(feature_types, document_bytes) response_json = json.dumps(response) print(response_json)

My problem is that when I run the code, it does not print the key-value dictionaries. I have tried several methods, but I have not been able to achieve the same result as the demo.

1 Answer
import boto3
import json

class TextractWrapper:
    def __init__(self):
        self.textract_client = boto3.client(

    def analyze_document(self, feature_types, document_bytes):
            response = self.textract_client.analyze_document(
                Document={'Bytes': document_bytes}, FeatureTypes=feature_types)
            print("Se detectaron {} bloques.".format(len(response['Blocks'])))
        except self.textract_client.exceptions.ServiceException as e:
            print("Error al analizar el documento: {}".format(e))

        return response

textract = TextractWrapper()

document_file_name = r"C:\Users\cvict\Desktop\FinGlobal\DOC.jpg"
with open(document_file_name, 'rb') as document_file:
    document_bytes = document_file.read()

feature_types = ['FORMS']

response = textract.analyze_document(feature_types, document_bytes)
response_json = json.dumps(response)

answered a year ago

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