Upgrade MySql 5.7 to 8.0 : schemaInconsistencyCheck


Our attempts to upgrade from MySQL 5.7.38 to 8.0.35 has been unsuccessful. Unfortunately, we are running into pre-check which we couldn't resolve. This is the issue that we have to face on our PrePatchCompatibility check.

  1. Schema inconsistencies resulting from file removal or corruption Following tables show signs that either table datadir directory or frm file was removed/corrupted. Please check server logs, examine datadir to detect >the issue and fix it before upgrade ISHDEV - present in INFORMATION_SCHEMA's INNODB_SYS_TABLES table but missing from TABLES table

We did some digging, and apparently some users have encountered the same problem User with the same problem on re:Post As the previous post suggested, a simple search leading to this serverFault Post which was asked 3 years ago.

I followed the same steps as the previous post suggested and ran this query

select * from information_schema.innodb_sys_tables where name like '%#%';

which yields ISHDEV /#sql-ib471-2023464723

The interesting thing is, as I followed the steps. I can't seem to DROP the ISHDEV /#sql-ib471-2023464723 table.

Error Code: 1051. Unknown table 'ISHDEV .#sql-ib471-2023464723'

There is this one comment that said :

Note that the existence of an #sql-ib* table indicates that some of your data may be corrupt. Match the numeric ID in the #sql-ib table name to the TABLE_ID column of INNODB_SYS_TABLES to determine which table was affected. Be sure to inspect your data for integrity before proceeding.

But, it doesn't seem to go anywhere as I attempted to find Table with TABLE_ID = 471 which is no longer exist.

This implies that 'ISHDEV .#sql-ib471-2023464723' is not a real table, it might be created due to interupted ALTER TABLE statements

I can't contact Technical Support as of right now due to our company is using Basic plans. I need to upgrade MySQL version before February 29th. Can anyone help? Thank you.

1 Answer

actually, i offer you to use upgrade checker utility

it will give you all problems in advance so you can solve them


for example

When you encounter specific table errors, like Table upgrade required, you should follow the instructions to either REPAIR TABLE or dump and reload the table https://dev.mysql.com/blog-archive/upgrading-to-mysql-8-0-here-is-what-you-need-to-know/

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answered 8 months ago

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