Instance failing status checks


I have a windows aws instance using r3.4xlarge with operating 2012 r2. its now failing status checkes an when checking the screenshot from aws i see the following: Plex86/Bochs VGABios current-cvs 31 Jul 2023 This VGA/VBE Bios is released under the GNU LGPL Please Visit : . . cirrus-compatible VGA is detected Bochs Bios - build: 06/23/99 $Revision: 1.221 $ $Date: 2008/12/07 17:32:29 $ Options: apmbios pcibios eltorito

ata0 master: QEMU HARDDISK ATA-7 Hard-Disk(250) ata0 slave: Unknown device ata1 master: Unknown device ata1 slave: Unknown device

press f12 for boot menu. Booting from Hard Disk... It keeps on looping to this screenshot.

asked a year ago367 views
1 Answer

Hi Thabang.

I would check a few things:

  1. Is this a new instance and you are using a generally available Windows AMI? If not, I would suggest to try this first.
  2. Are you using an AMI you created? If so, there might be incompatibilities with the hardware configuration. Windows might have a hard time loading drivers and it may have a problem with the disk.
  3. Please note that Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2012 R2 will reach end of support on October 10, 2023. After this date, these products will no longer receive security updates, non-security updates, bug fixes, technical support, or online technical content updates. I strongly suggest that you use a newer Windows version.

I hope this helps.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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