Install Older SQL Version On EC2 AMI With SQL Server Standard 2022



We are looking at using one of the AWS supplied AMI's with SQL Server 2022 Standard included. We also have a need to install older versions of SQL Server to extract data and possibly install multiple instances of a given version.

First does anyone know if the included AWS license comes with Software Assurance, the question is asked when installing a new instance? Second does anyone know if the AWS included SQL license includes the right to install prior versions of SQL on the same EC2 instance?

1 Answer

Hello there,

Regarding your queries related to SQL license on EC2:

  1. Does anyone know if the included AWS license comes with Software Assurance, the question is asked when installing a new instance?

-> As you might know that Microsoft Software Assurance is a software maintenance program that helps organizations gain access to the latest software versions and releases, without incurring additional licensing costs, and with AWS License. So, when you bring your own license with the help of software assurance you can use that license with AWS. Therefore, when you install a new instance it will ask for software assurance if you are selecting BYOL option.

For more details, please refer the below FAQ page: 

  1. Does anyone know if the AWS included SQL license includes the right to install prior versions of SQL on the same EC2 instance?

-> As per the below article:

 “For SQL Server license-included instance on EC2

SQL Server licensed through a license-included instance from AWS offers all supported versions of SQL Server as license included. Customers can use any number of running instances of SQL Server on an EC2 instance for the same or earlier version of SQL Server with same SQL Server Edition.”


I sincerely hope the above Information is helpful. In case of more clarifications regarding the licensing of the SQL Server on EC2 Windows instance, please open a Support ticket with the AWS EC2 Support team, and they can help you with all your queries related to it.

Be Safe and have a great day ahead!

answered a year ago
  • Thank you for the response. For clarification, these questions are directly related to the SQL license that is provided from AWS and not under the BYOL category. Are you saying the SQL license provided by AWS includes software assurance?

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