Fleet Manager / RDP Session / Copy/Paste



How do you copy/paste content between local computer and the RDP session opened with Fleet Manager ?

Thanks for your help

asked 2 years ago12086 views
2 Answers

This depends on the browser:

Chrome browser supports bidirectional copying and pasting between RDP sessions and your local machine. Firefox browser supports copying from an RDP session and pasting to your local machine

See the red notice in this doc to verify: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/systems-manager/latest/userguide/fleet-rdp.html

answered a year ago


You can do that , Please check the link here

Info from the Docs:

To copy or cut and paste files or directories with Fleet Manager

  1. Open the AWS Systems Manager console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/systems-manager/.
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Fleet Manager.


If the AWS Systems Manager home page opens first, choose the menu icon ( ) to open the navigation pane, and then choose Fleet Manager in the navigation pane. 3. Select the link of the managed node with the files you want to copy, or cut and paste.

  1. In the Tools menu, choose File system.
  2. To copy or cut a file, select the File name of the directory that contains the file you want to copy or cut. To copy or cut a directory, choose the button next to the directory that you want to copy or cut and then proceed to step 8.
  3. Choose the button next to the file you want to copy or cut.
  4. In the Actions menu, choose Copy or Cut.
  5. In the File system view, choose the button next to the directory you want to paste the file in.
  6. In the Actions menu, choose Paste.
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answered 2 years ago
  • This explained procedure do not permit to copy to/from RDP session and the user PC but only for copy/paste inside the RDP session. It is pretty important to have an easy way to copy/paste files from RDP session to/from user PC. The unique way I see for now is to use S3 Buckets as a intermediary to copy/paste files, however this method is more messy than a simple copy/paste.

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