ALB Connectivity to VPC Endpoint Interface


Hi all,

We have a service in which we are trying to create a gateway to other external services. We do not want to add compute for this in our gateway service.

As of now we are thinking of using an this setup : APIG -> NLB -> ALB -> VPC Endpoint Interface -> VPC Endpoint service of the external service

As far as i know ALB supports target groups with IP addresses, is it possible to route the traffic from the ALB to the IP Target group, which has the VPC endpoint interface IP Addresses. This VPC endpoint will then be integrated with the external VPC endpoint service via AWS private link.

Is this a feasible solution, or can an ALB not direct the traffic to an VPC Interface Endpoint ?


1 Answer

The solution should work as ALB can direct traffic to the IP of interface endpoint. On the endpoint, make sure you allow HTTP access from the ALB's security group.

profile pictureAWS
answered 5 months ago

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