Migrating aws org master to master account


Hello Everyone,
I have a situation here :

1 client has a aws organizations with one master and +-10 clients on sub accounts.
Another company the second one, bought this client , but, the other Company has AWS Organizations and his clients.

Is is possible to migrating 1 client master to the other one master too?
I mean, is there a way to a "Second One" invite the client with +-10 clients and everything continuous to be the same, or, do i have to remove each client to that account and invite one by one to "Second One" ?


asked 5 years ago511 views
2 Answers


Currently it is not possible to migrate an Organization master under another Organization master. An AWS Organization can have only one master account.

Thus, you would need to remove every account from the previous Organization (i.e. make them standalone), delete the Organization and then invite every account(including the previous master account) to the newly created AWS Organization belonging to the second company.

Let us know know in case you require further assistance.

answered 4 years ago

Ok, thank you so much!

answered 4 years ago

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