The DNS zone cannot be created at this time. Try again later. Some names are already in use:


Just started ti create the website, got this message. Could be the time DNS takes to upload in the web?

1 Answer

The error message you're encountering suggests that there might be an existing DNS configuration for the domain "" that's preventing you from creating a new DNS zone. This is not likely related to DNS propagation time, as that typically affects the visibility of changes rather than the ability to create a zone.

Here are a few possibilities to consider:

  1. The domain name may already be associated with an existing DNS zone in your AWS account or another AWS service like Route 53.

  2. There could be a temporary issue with the AWS Lightsail service that's preventing the creation of new DNS zones.

  3. The domain might still be linked to its previous DNS configuration if you've recently acquired it or transferred it.

To resolve this, you can try the following steps:

  1. Double-check if you have any existing DNS configurations for this domain in your AWS account, including in Route 53 or Lightsail.

  2. If you've recently acquired the domain, ensure that it's fully transferred and that any previous DNS configurations have been removed.

  3. Wait for a short period (e.g., an hour) and try creating the DNS zone again. Sometimes, temporary service issues resolve themselves.

  4. If the problem persists, it would be advisable to contact AWS support for further assistance, as they can provide more specific guidance based on your account and domain status.

Remember, DNS changes and zone creations are typically near-instantaneous operations. The propagation time you mentioned usually applies to the visibility of DNS record changes across the internet, not to the creation of the zone itself.
Getting DNS error with my domain | AWS re:Post
DNS Not Propagating properly? | AWS re:Post
Edit a Lightsail DNS zone - Amazon Lightsail

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answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago

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