Unable to Delete AWS CloudFormation Stack – Stuck in DELETE_IN_PROGRESS


I am a beginner working on the tutorial . I’m trying to clean up after completing the tutorial, but I’m unable to delete the CloudFormation stack. When I access the stack in the AWS Management Console, the status shows as DELETE_IN_PROGRESS.

Here’s what I’ve tried so far:

  • Refreshed the stack status multiple times over several minutes in the web browser.
  • Checked the Events tab in CloudFormation to see if there are any errors or resources that are stuck, but everything looks good.
  • Used CLI to check the stack status and interestingly there are no stacks listed here.

Enter image description here

Is there anything else I can do to resolve this and avoid further billing? Any guidance on how to proceed would be greatly appreciated!

asked 5 months ago278 views
2 Answers


Can you check the resources tab to see which AWS resources cannot be deleted?
Probably, if you leave it as is, either stack deletion will fail or all resources will be deleted.
If stack deletion fails, the AWS resources that could not be deleted should be listed, so you may want to try deleting them manually.

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answered 5 months ago
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answered 5 months ago

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