Is Greengrass supported on Raspberry Pi 4?


Trying to run Greengrass on Raspberry Pi 4 to run an object detection model. Tried to use Raspberry Pi 4 with Greengrass but ran into the below error. Turns out Raspberry Pi 4 requires Raspbain Buster and Greengrass is not functional on Buster. Is this true? If so, any thoughts on a solution or potential dates?


Deployment a8d63dec-43a9-4406-a5a1-28e79437086b of type NewDeployment for group 781b1b96-cf34-4e3a-9d0b-564ba82b6aba failed error: process start failed: failed to initialize container mounts: failed to create overlay fs for container: mounting overlay at /greengrass/ggc/packages/1.9.2/rootfs/merged failed: failed to mount with args source="no_source" dest="/greengrass/ggc/packages/1.9.2/rootfs/merged" fstype="overlay" flags="0" data="lowerdir=/greengrass/ggc/packages/1.9.2/dns:/,upperdir=/greengrass/ggc/packages/1.9.2/rootfs/upper,workdir=/greengrass/ggc/packages/1.9.2/rootfs/work": too many levels of symbolic links
asked 5 years ago516 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Please use 1.9.3 or newer:

Version 1.9.3 of the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software is available. This version allows you to install the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software on Raspbian distributions on Armv6l architectures, supports OTA updates on port 443 with ALPN, and contains a bug fix for binary payloads sent from Python 2.7 Lambda functions to other Lambda functions. 
answered 5 years ago
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reviewed 3 months ago

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