Manage user access - Bastion Host


Hi, I am just looking to start using Bastion Host, in our infrastructure. So, I am trying to find a way to limit user access when using SSH by Bastion Host. For example, Can I use the Federate access (SSO with AAD) to let users access the Bastion Host, then assign them permissions/roles at the AWS?

Anyone can advise?

2 Answers

I advise to use Systems Manager's Sessions Manager instead of a bastion host, if possible. Read more about it here: Replacing a Bastion Host with Amazon EC2 Systems Manager.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

Use Systems Manager Sessions Manager. Then use AAD and AWS IAM Identity Centre Permission sets (thats how I assume you are using SSO) to grant the right set of users the right set of permissions to use Sessions Manager. This will have a markedly better security posture.

answered 2 years ago

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