Migrate a SQL DB to NoSQL DB


Hi AWS, I want to migrate data from existing SQL database to new Cassandra (NoSQL) database which we will be using for Enterprise HES application. Which is the best AWS service or in case I need to look for the same in the open-source space.

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asked 8 months ago276 views
2 Answers
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answered 8 months ago
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reviewed 7 months ago

Amazon Keyspaces is a managed AWS service compatible with Apache Cassandra. The service is servlerless. I recommend that you will review this service if you would like to run a Cassandra workload on AWS. In order to migrate data from a relational database to Amazon Keyspaces, you can make use of the AWS Glue service. There are several relevant examples in this repository - https://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-keyspaces-examples/tree/main/scala/datastax-v4/aws-glue.

answered 8 months ago

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