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Unable to Delete network interface due link with Lambda


Dear all,

I'm unable to delete network interface. The message I get is that "Network interface is currently in use and is of type lambda . Possible owning resource is <lambda name>, however I had first the removed VPC from the configuration and later I have deleted lambda.

I have followed the instructions in

I have ran out of ideas. Anyone has any ideas?

asked a month ago52 views
2 Answers

I have seen it take up to an hour. Lambda will delete the interface itself.

Check after an hour.

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answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago
  • I have waited for more than 2 hours and no change. I still get the same message.



you could also:

  • Check for old Lambda versions: Sometimes, old inactive versions of Lambda functions can still reference the subnets, causing their network interfaces to appear in use. Go through your Lambda functions in the AWS Console and manually delete any old versions that might be affected.

  • Verify Lambda execution role permissions: Ensure that the Lambda execution role has the necessary permissions to delete network interfaces. The role should have the following EC2 permissions:




  • Use AWS CLI to force detach: If the above steps don't work, you can try to force detach the network interface using the AWS CLI:
aws ec2 detach-network-interface --attachment-id <attachment-id> --force
  • Contact AWS Support: If none of the above steps resolve the issue, it may be worth contacting AWS Support for further assistance, as there could be an underlying issue specific to your account or setup
answered a month ago

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