Sap SuccessFactors - Best Way to import data to S3 data via batch job


Hi, I've try to import some table, from Saas Instance of Sap SuccessFactors to S3. At the moment I've exposed from SAP SuccessFactors API and I consume it to a custom Lambda (that write the data into S3). There is an alternative way to manage the task more efficiently with some AWS Serverless services? I've noted that APPFLOW doesn't' have a specific connector for Sap SuccessFactors? thanks and regards

1 Answer

Your current approach is good. You are correct in that AppFlow doesn't currently have a SuccessFactors connector.

An alternative, if you're using SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP) - Cloud Integration Suite - is to use the AWS BTP Adapter to push this data to S3 as an endpoint in your integration flow. This can be helpful if you've already integrated SF with SAP ERP through Cloud Integration Suite - you can modify or extend the iFlow.

Further details in this blog: Integrating SAP Systems with AWS Services using SAP Business Technology Platform .

NOTE: This answer is provided by the SAP on AWS specialty team and is accurate at the time of publish. Please check comments as the answer may have changed/services evolved.

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answered a year ago

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