RDS global database secondary cluster stuck in creating


Hello all,

I am working on RDS global database implementation into our product. I created the global database and could create the primary cluster. After this I tried to create the secondary cluster in different region, but it stuck in creating, I see the writer endpoint inactive and the reader endpoint is in creating. How could I delete this and recreate? in recent events I see the following: events

asked a year ago2534 views
3 Answers
Accepted Answer


Problem was the multi region key secondary part was deactivated and that's why the creation stuck. Enabled back and after time (few hours), I could remove the cluster from the Global Database and then delete the cluster

answered a year ago
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reviewed 5 months ago
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reviewed 6 months ago

If you are deleting the Secondary Cluster, please check the following steps Go to the AWS RDS console. Select the secondary cluster that is stuck in the "creating" state. Click the "Actions" button, and choose "Delete." Follow the prompts to confirm the deletion. This may take some time, depending on the state of the cluster.

Recreate the Secondary Cluster: Once the secondary cluster is deleted, you can create a new one following the same steps you used initially.

answered a year ago

I tried that one but I cannot delete it because it says I have to remove it from global database before delete. I cannot remove from global database using console, because that option is invalid. I tried to delete the cluster and remove the cluster from global database using aws cli with no success.

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answered a year ago

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